Individual Coaching Sessions

These one-on-one coaching sessions are tailored to your specific needs. In these sessions, we work closely together to improve your public speaking skills, address your unique challenges, and provide personalized feedback. Together we can enhance your presentation skills, overcome the stress of public speaking, improve delivery and body language, and refine your overall communication style.

Learn More Aboout 1:1 Coaching Sessions

Group Workshops and Training Programs

These sessions are designed to enhance skills for larger audiences and groups. These workshops can cater to various skill levels, ranging from beginners to advanced speakers, covering topics such as structuring effective speeches, engaging the audience, using visual aids effectively, managing nervousness, and mastering storytelling techniques. By creating a supportive and interactive environment, participants feel encouraged to practice and improve their public speaking abilities.

Learn More About Group Workshops

In-Person and Virtual Presentation Preparation

These sessions are designed to help individuals prepare for delivering presentations, pitches, keynotes speeches, or facilitating a public form. We’ll focus on the unique set of skills required to engage and inspire an audience effectively, develop your content, create compelling narratives, and refine your delivery style. As virtual presentations become more common, we can also work together on how best to effectively present virtually with a delivery that is impactful and memorable.

Learn More About In-Person and Virtual Presentation Prep

What People Are Saying About Sabba’s Coaching

"Sabba is a fantastic public speaker! Always gets the point across in an informative and interesting way. Her enthusiasm is palpable and every time I hear her speak, she succeeds in making the subject intriguing."

— Kristin C.

“Sabba’s skills as a public speaking coach are unmatched. Her passion and confidence are electric, inspiring, and contagious.”

— Alex T.

“Sabba is an incredible speaker! Her presentation style is natural, engaging and entertaining. You can always guarantee that the audience will be captivated by her energetic, passionate performance.”

— Krysten C.